We keep a broad range of poultry and game at the Heritage Farm, and specialise in rare breeds both from the UK or abroad. Being a registered breeder we adhere to strict guidelines on the welfare of our flocks to minimise the chance of sickness and also to ensure the purity and trace-ability of our bloodlines.
Although we're always on the lookout for new and interesting breeds to introduce, we never introduce birds from unknown sources or with unknown histories. This ensures that our flocks maintain the best health and purity.
Although we're always on the lookout for new and interesting breeds to introduce, we never introduce birds from unknown sources or with unknown histories. This ensures that our flocks maintain the best health and purity.
Silver Dorkings
The Silver Dorking hens are excellent layers of large white eggs, surpassing many other egg laying breeds. The Dorking is a hardy bird and is quiet in nature. They are large foraging birds that require space as they are very active. They are kept for both their eggs and meat and make good show birds. Their egg laying tends to be in the early part of the year. The eggs are of a good size and are white. The Dorking can take up to two years to mature and can live for up to seven years. This is a docile bird to keep. To keep them at a good weight and size they do need to be given a good quality feed. They can become very broody.
Our hens have been reliable layers all year and the cockerels are seen active on a regular basis. They are fed a mixture of pellets, mixed grain, greens, crushed oyster shell, water and ACV on an ad hoc basis.
It is possible the Dorking Breed came into this country with the Romans in AD47 as birds with matching characteristics had been recorded in that era. The Dorking was standardized in Great Britain in 1865 and is one of few breeds with a fifth toe. The breed was once prized for its rectangular body shape and wide breast that made it ideal for table purposes and to create hybrid table birds.
If you're interested in buying an Silver Dorkings for your own flock then please fill in our wait list form. We will notify you if any become available.
If you're interested in buying Silver Dorkings hatching eggs then click here
The Silver Dorking hens are excellent layers of large white eggs, surpassing many other egg laying breeds. The Dorking is a hardy bird and is quiet in nature. They are large foraging birds that require space as they are very active. They are kept for both their eggs and meat and make good show birds. Their egg laying tends to be in the early part of the year. The eggs are of a good size and are white. The Dorking can take up to two years to mature and can live for up to seven years. This is a docile bird to keep. To keep them at a good weight and size they do need to be given a good quality feed. They can become very broody.
Our hens have been reliable layers all year and the cockerels are seen active on a regular basis. They are fed a mixture of pellets, mixed grain, greens, crushed oyster shell, water and ACV on an ad hoc basis.
It is possible the Dorking Breed came into this country with the Romans in AD47 as birds with matching characteristics had been recorded in that era. The Dorking was standardized in Great Britain in 1865 and is one of few breeds with a fifth toe. The breed was once prized for its rectangular body shape and wide breast that made it ideal for table purposes and to create hybrid table birds.
If you're interested in buying an Silver Dorkings for your own flock then please fill in our wait list form. We will notify you if any become available.
If you're interested in buying Silver Dorkings hatching eggs then click here
Buff Orpington
Orpington is a breed of chicken named after Orpington, England, which was made famous in part by this breed. It was bred to be an excellent layer with good meat quality. Their large size and soft appearance together with their rich colour and gentle contours make them very attractive, and as such its popularity has grown as a show bird rather than a utility breed. They go broody very often, and make great mothers. Although rather heavy, they are able to fly small distances but rarely do, so they work well as backyard birds.
Due to their build they do well in very cold climates. The fluff of their feathers allows rain water to penetrate, so they must be kept out of the rain. Orpington's are birds which like to be free range. Their eggs are medium/large sized pale brown eggs.
They are greedy birds and need exercise to keep fit. Their wingspan is short therefore they can be kept in areas with low fences. If you're interested in buying an Orpington for your own flock then please fill in our wait list form. We will notify you if any become available. If you're interested in buying Orpington hatching eggs, then click here.
Orpington is a breed of chicken named after Orpington, England, which was made famous in part by this breed. It was bred to be an excellent layer with good meat quality. Their large size and soft appearance together with their rich colour and gentle contours make them very attractive, and as such its popularity has grown as a show bird rather than a utility breed. They go broody very often, and make great mothers. Although rather heavy, they are able to fly small distances but rarely do, so they work well as backyard birds.
Due to their build they do well in very cold climates. The fluff of their feathers allows rain water to penetrate, so they must be kept out of the rain. Orpington's are birds which like to be free range. Their eggs are medium/large sized pale brown eggs.
They are greedy birds and need exercise to keep fit. Their wingspan is short therefore they can be kept in areas with low fences. If you're interested in buying an Orpington for your own flock then please fill in our wait list form. We will notify you if any become available. If you're interested in buying Orpington hatching eggs, then click here.
Vorwerk originates from Hamburg, Germany around 1900 and was developed by the German breeder Oskar Vorwerk who gave his name to the breed. He developed them as good utility birds with belted markings combined with buff feathering rather than white.
The breed is rare and was almost lost after the Second World War. They are powerful and compact birds with broad backs, and a deep, rounded breast. The head is broad and the face well feathered. They have a single, medium sized serrated comb, medium length wattles and small white earlobes. Their plumage is soft and glossy, the legs are slate blue and they have four toes.
They are very good at foraging for food and make excellent birds for farmyards and smallholdings. They are happy free ranging but don’t mind being confined in a run at all. They are alert, busy birds with fairly small appetites and chicks are fast growers which mature quickly. The hens lay a good number of pale brown eggs. They are easy to tame and are not at all shy. The males are tolerant of each other.
If you're interested in buying a Vorwerk for your own flock then please fill in our wait list form. We will notify you if any become available. If you would like to buy some hatching eggs please click here to return to our poultry hatching eggs page..